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Last Updated: 12:32:42 PM - 01/07/2020

Incredible Aerial Combat

I received this in an E-mail. I wish I could give credit to the originator.
This is one of the most incredible series of photos I have seen in a long time.

This is a series of images of two eagles fighting over a small duck.
Don't despair, the ending will surprise you.


A few months ago I decided to do some extended research. As a result I discovered what I believe to be the original posting of these articles.

"The One Acre Wood - Atom" that seems to have the proper credits. According to "The One Acre Wood", "Thanks to a comment, I have the name of this photographer/author: Thank you Gary Wheeler!!"

Please visit "The One Acre Wood - Atom" for additional comments regarding this remarkable series of images. (Will open in a new window.)


robert@rsforkner.com - Contact - sandra@rsforkner.com